the manufacturing tools
Manuals and Repository
The Manufacturing Tools
Manuals and Repository
TOOL 1: Identification of impact areas
This tool allows for identification of the key areas that will be impacted by the adopted reconfiguration process. Based on a clear overview of where key changes are likely to occur, a Manufacturing Setting (MS) can make necessary adjustments to their processes, and ensure that all aspects are considered and addressed where needed.
Quick identification of main areas to address to efficiently go through the reconfiguration process.
TOOL 2: Identification and review of key tasks
Through a task oriented job analysis Manufacturing Settings (MSs) are able to identify key tasks and responsibilities of a particular job, and the necessary equipment, resources, and materials used in a typical working environment. Together with the identification of key tasks, the tool offers support also in the reviewing of the tasks and sub-tasks mostly affected during the MSs reconfiguration changes. An additional analysis supported by complementary methods (e.g., T3 Identification and review of key skills), can help the MS to promptly create an overview of the working profiles needed in a specific manufacturing context, as well as provide a better understanding of the key tasks carried out in specific production lines.
This method allows for identification of key tasks and associated commitments for different roles focusing on work outcomes and job purpose.
TOOL 3: Identification and review of key skills
Through a structured analysis of the competences and skills required to carry out operational tasks in the production line, and considering the key roles involved in the line, the Manufacturing Setting (MS) is able to acquire an overview of the competences currently present within the workforce. Based on the identified key skills and competences, the MS will be able to promptly review them considering imminent reconfigurations in the production lines that might alter and affect the skill set required. Together with the employee’s’ self-skills assessment (see T4 Skills self-assessment for training pathways), the management can quickly prioritise training in specific areas and, eventually, organise a recruitment process to employ workers with the identified specific skills.
Through an in-depth reviewing process, this method helps identify which skills are currently present within the MS and which competencies are required during and following reconfiguration to successfully carry out specific tasks in the production lines.
TOOL 4: Skill self-assessment for training pathways
This method guides an employee in the self-assessment of his/her competences and skills, as well as supports managers in the identification of a gap analysis between the required skills for a certain (future or adapted) role, and the skills currently available in a Manufacturing Setting (MS). To quickly adapt to the reconfigurations happening in MSs’ production processes, managers might periodically require an updated version of the employees’ self-assessment. Having always an updated and accurate overview of the competences available in the MS ensures that, when new needs dependent on the reconfiguration scenarios emerge, they can be promptly compared with the current MS workforce expertise.
To identify current knowledge and skill gaps that may require skilling, upskilling or reskilling, employees can support their managers during manufacturing reconfigurations by quickly assessing their competences and skills’ level. Moreover, employees’ self-assessment can provide valuable information to determine their eligibility for training packages and technical updates in specific areas.
TOOL 5: Strategies to address the training needs
This Tool supports Manufacturing Settings (MSs) in reviewing the training currently available and delivered to specific roles inside their organisation. It also assesses possible new training needs to be considered due to internal reconfiguration changes. Considering the framework shown in the image on the right, T5 provides support suggesting possible strategies to address the training needs assessed through a “Training Needs Analysis”. Instead, to receive further support in “Training Development” and “Training Delivery” you can check the outputs delivered by HSSMI and ENG, the other Partners involved in the WP3–Training.
Understating the training needs and, subsequently, the strategies to start addressing those needs, are two distinguished phases of the training development cycle that while they are often underlooked, are necessary to correctly prioritise and address the most relevant areas in need of training. This is even more critical when, due to undergoing organisational reconfigurations, MSs have a very short time frame available to design and deliver proper training to the employees. As such, T5 allows for quick assessment of the training needs resulting from the reconfiguration process, the understanding of already available resources to meet them as fast as possible, and the prioritisation of those strategies that can help promptly meeting the training gaps identified.
TOOL 6: Process checklist preparation
This Tool focuses on the preparation of checklists that can support safe working procedures that new users or employees need to take into account while conducting their tasks. To ensure fast alignment with the changes happening in the working environment due to reconfigurations (e.g., new equipment installation or working procedures), Manufacturing Settings (MSs) can prepare quick checklists to be used by workers as supporting materials during different production phases, particularly for tasks that may be hazardous, safety critical, or prone to changes comparing to the old way of working. This Tool guides the MS in reflecting on the different areas to identify whether checklists could be useful to implement in some steps of the process or production phases, and in creating such outputs.
The checklist helps the workers to keep up with the changes happening in the working environment by providing additional training support while carrying out the new or modified tasks. The checklist can support the workers during different production phases to ensure safe and accurate operations (e.g., environment preparation, equipment checks, pre-production checks etc.)