The technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically

ASTAIR: six months later

2024-06-12T10:11:05+01:0020 February 2024|Tags: |

Since the Kick off meeting of this exploratory research project six months have passed. In this occasion the consortium met online on February 9th to check the status of the research activities.  Project partners gathered to assess progress, exchange insights, and strategize for the upcoming phases. The meeting served as [...]

Automated operations’ scenarios: Charles de Gaulle hosts the ASTAIR’s first workshop

2024-06-12T10:11:24+01:0030 December 2023|Tags: , |

On 18th and 19th of December 2023 project coordinator ENAC together with Aéroport de Paris (ADP) organized a two-day workshop at Charles de Gaulle (CDG) airport with the aim of identifying and exploring scenarios for the automation of ground operations. Ground operations are usually evaluated on different indicators: the measurement [...]

ASTAIR has kicked off. Unveiling the future of airport ground operations with AI automation

2024-06-12T10:11:42+01:0030 September 2023|Tags: , , |

On September 20th partners from four European countries met in Brussels to give the start to ASTAIR, a new-born SESAR Joint Undertaking project.  ASTAIR stands for Auto-Steer Taxi at AIRport and its aim is to introduce advanced Artificial Intelligence-driven support tools that will oversee a fully automated ground operations system [...]

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