In 2014, a momentous occasion unfolded as pilots worldwide were finally bestowed with an official day of recognition, a significant milestone thought to have been catalyzed by the Turkish Airlines Pilots’ Association (TALPA). However, the choice of April 26 to mark this celebration was not random.

April 26 was deliberately singled out by TALPA to honor the historic maiden flight of Mehmet Fesa Evrensev, an iconic figure in Turkish aviation whose legacy reverberates from the early 1910s.

Turkish records affirm Fesa Evrensev‘s pivotal role as the inaugural Turkish military pilot, embarking on numerous vital aerial missions during the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913.

By 1933, Fesa Evrensev had ascended to the esteemed position of Director General of Turkey’s nascent air transport entity, the Airlines State Operations Administration, which later evolved into the esteemed national flag carrier, Turkish Airlines. His enduring impact on Turkish aviation was further underscored when he assumed various managerial positions within the Turkish Aeronautical Association in 1944, solidifying his status as a pioneering figure in the field.

The concept of formalizing April 26 as a globally recognized celebration gained traction with the backing of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA). Established in Canada in 1948 with the aim of amalgamating disparate pilot associations into a unified force, IFALPA now represents the interests of over 140,000 pilots worldwide.

In 2013, IFALPA spearheaded discussions aimed at earmarking a specific date to honor Pilots’ Day.

Building upon TALPA’s long standing observance of April 26 in homage to Fesa Evrensev’s inaugural flight, IFALPA seized upon the date’s significance and its association with a prominent aviation luminary as a moment to celebrate the collective contributions of pilots globally. Thus, on April 26, 2014, International Pilots’ Day was formally inaugurated, marking a monumental milestone in the annals of aviation history.